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Dana Rubi Levy1, Winthrop F Gillis1, Caleb Weinreb1, Minhua Mei, David Brann, Nigel Hunter, J’Kayla Anthis, Rockwell Anyoha, Scott W Linderman, Sandeep Robert Datta. Natural behavior embodies a continuous aging clock. In review. September 2024. 1These authors contributed equally.

Jack Lindsey, Jeffrey E Markowitz, Winthrop F Gillis, Sandeep Robert Datta, Ashok Litwin-Kumar. Dynamics of striatal action selection and reinforcement learning. bioRxiv. 25 July 2024.

Dana Rubi Levy, Nigel Hunter, Sherry Lin, Emma Marie Robinson, Winthrop Gillis, Eli Benjamin Conlin, Rockwell Anyoha, Rebecca M Shansky, Sandeep Robert Datta. Mouse spontaneous behavior reflects individual variation rather than estrous state. Current Biology. 07 March 2023.

Jeffrey E Markowitz1, Winthrop F Gillis1, Maya Jay1, Jeffrey Wood, Ryley W Harris, Robert Cieszkowski, Rebecca Scott, David Brann, Dorothy Koveal, Tomasz Kula, Caleb Weinreb, Mohammed Abdal Monium Osman, Sandra Romero Pinto, Naoshige Uchida, Scott W. Linderman, Bernardo L. Sabatini, Sandeep Robert Datta. Spontaneous behaviour is structured by reinforcement without explicit reward. Nature. 18 January 2023. 1These authors contributed equally.

Sherry Lin1, Winthrop F Gillis1, Caleb Weinreb, Ayman Zeine, Samuel C Jones, Emma M Robinson, Jeffrey Markowitz, Sandeep Robert Datta. Characterizing the structure of mouse behavior using Motion Sequencing. arXiv. 15 November 2022. 1These authors contributed equally.

Julia C Costacurta, Lea Duncker, Blue Sheffer, Winthrop Gillis, Caleb Weinreb, Jeffrey E Markowitz, Sandeep Robert Datta, Alex H Williams, Scott W Linderman. Distinguishing discrete and continuous behavioral variability using warped autoregressive HMMs. NeurIPS. 31 October 2022.

Stephanie Rudolph, Chong Guo, Stan L. Pashkovski, Tomas Osorno, Winthrop F Gillis, Jeremy M Krauss, Hajnalka Nyitrai, Isabella Flaquer, Mahmoud El-Rifai, Sandeep Robert Datta, Wade G Regehr. Cerebellum-Specific Deletion of the GABAA Receptor δ Subunit Leads to Sex-Specific Disruption of Behavior. Cell Reports. 3 November 2020.

Alexander B Wiltschko, Tatsuya Tsukahara, Ayman Zeine, Rockwell Anyoha, Winthrop F Gillis, Jeffrey E Markowitz, Ralph E. Peterson, Jesse Katon, Matthew J Johnson, Sandeep Robert Datta. Revealing the structure of pharmacobehavioral space through motion sequencing. Nature neuroscience. 21 September 2020.

Eleanor Batty, Matthew R Whiteway, Shreya Saxena, Dan Biderman, Taiga Abe, Simon Musall, Winthrop Gillis, Jeffrey E Markowitz, Anne Churchland, John Cunningham, Sandeep Robert Datta, Scott W Linderman, Liam Paninski. BehaveNet: nonlinear embedding and Bayesian neural decoding of behavioral videos. NeurIPS. 2019.

Jeffrey E Markowitz, Winthrop F Gillis, Celia C Beron, Shay Q Neufeld, Keiramarie Robertson, Neha D Bhagat, Ralph E Peterson, Emalee Peterson, Minsuk Hyun, Scott W Linderman, Bernardo L Sabatini, Sandeep Robert Datta. The Striatum Organizes 3D Behavior via Moment-to-Moment Action Selection. Cell. In Press. 17 May 2018.

Winthrop F Gillis1, Charles A Lissandrello1, Jun Shen, Ben W Pearre, Alket Mertiri, Felix Deku, Stuart Cogan, Bradley J Holinski, Daniel J Chew, Alice E White, Timothy J Gardner and Timothy M Otchy. Carbon Fiber On Polyimide Ultra-Microelectrodes. Journal of Neural Engineering. September 2017. 1These authors contributed equally.

Charles A Lissandrello1, Winthrop F Gillis1, Jun Shen, Ben W Pearre, Flavia Vitale, Matteo Pasquali, Bradley J Holinski, Daniel J Chew, Alice E White and Timothy J Gardner. A micro-scale printable nanoclip for electrical stimulation and recording in small nerves. Journal of Neural Engineering. June 2017. 1These authors contributed equally.

Winthrop F Gillis and Sandeep R Datta. Knowing where the nose is. BMC Biology. 15 May 2017.

Posters and presentations

Winthrop Gillis. Real-time MoSeq: revealing elements of naturalistic reinforcement learning through closed-loop action identification. Presentation. Society for Neuroscience 2022.

Maya Jay, Jeffrey E Markowitz, Winthrop F Gillis, Jeffrey Wood, Timothy Sainburg, Riley W Harris, Rebecca Scott, David H Brann, Caleb Weinreb, Mohammed Osman, Sandra A Romero Pinto, Naoshige Uchida, Scott Linderman, Bernardo L Sabatini, Sandeep Robert Datta. Striatal dopamine structures the spontaneous behavior of mice across multiple timescales. Poster. Society for Neuroscience 2022.

Winthrop Gillis, Sherry Lin. Workshop – Characterizing the structure of mouse behavior using Motion Sequencing (MoSeq). The Short Course on the Application of Machine Learning for Automated Quantification of Behavior. Jackson Labs. October 2022.

Winthrop Gillis, Jeffrey Markowitz, Maya Jay, Jeffrey Wood, Ryley Harris, Robert Cieszkowski, Julia Murmann, David Brann, Scott Linderman, Bernardo Sabatini, Sandeep Robert Datta. Revealing elements of naturalistic reinforcement learning through closed-loop action identification. Poster. Virtual Dopamine Conference 2021.

Winthrop Gillis, Jeffrey Markowitz, Maya Jay, Robert Cieszkowski, Julia Murmann, Emily Peterson, Diego Aldarondo, David Brann, Scott Linderman, Bernardo Sabatini, Sandeep Robert Datta. Revealing elements of naturalistic reinforcement learning through closed-loop action identification. Poster. Society for Neuroscience 2019.

Ella Batty, Matthew R Whiteway, S. Saxena, D. Biderman, T. Abe, Simon Musall, Winthrop Gillis, Jeffrey E Markowitz, Anne K Churchland, Sandeep Robert Datta, Scott Linderman, Liam Paninski. BehaveNet: Behavioral video embedding and neural analysis toolbox. Poster. Society for Neuroscience 2019.

Jeffrey Markowitz, Winthrop Gillis, Julie Murmann, Scott Linderman, Bernardo Sabatini, Sandeep Datta. Resolving the neural mechanisms of reinforcement learning through new behavioral technologies. Poster. Cosyne 2019.

Jeffrey E Markowitz, Winthrop F Gillis, Celia C Beron, Shay Q Neufeld, Kiera Robertson, Neha D Bhagat, Ralph E Peterson, Emily Peterson, Minsuk Hyun, Scott W Linderman, Bernardo L Sabatini, Sandeep Robert Datta. The striatum organizes 3D behavior via moment-to-moment action selection. Poster. Society for Neuroscience 2018.

Jeffrey Markowitz, Winthrop Gillis, Celia Beron, Shay Neufeld, Keira Robertson, Minsuk Hyun, Emalee Peterson, Neha Bhagat, Scott Linderman, Bernardo Sabatini, Sandeep Datta. Complementary direct and indirect pathway activity encodes sub-second 3D pose dynamics in striatum. Poster. Cosyne 2018.

T. Tan, K. Drummey, N. Bhagat, W. Gillis, J. Katon, K. Messemer, C. Dixon, J. Nguyen, S. R. Datta. Unique connectivity within the necklace subsystem suggests a novel function in olfactory processing. Poster. Society for Neuroscience. November 2017.

Felix Deku, Yarden Cohen, Ben Pearre, Alexandra Joshi-Imre, Atefeh Ghazavi, Winthrop Gillis, Timothy Gardner, Stuart Cogan. Evaluation of Novel Amorphous Silicon Carbide Ultramicroelectrodes for Neural Interfacing. Poster. BMES 2016 Annual Meeting. October 2016.

Ben Pearre, Winthrop Gillis, Felix Deku, Alket Mertiri, Jun Shen, Sanne Moorman, Atefeh Ghazavi, Stuart Cogan, Timothy J Gardner. High-Density Recording and Stimulation in Behaving Animals. NIH Brain Initiative. 2015.


Bradley J. Holinski, Timothy Gardner, Charles A. Lissandrello, Alice E. White, Winthrop Gillis, Jun Shen, Timothy Otchy, Christos Michas. (2018, Patent No. PCT/US2017/044096 Boston, MA) NERVE CUFFS, METHODS OF FABRICATING THE SAME AND METHODS OF USE.




Guess Which Sex Behaves More Erratically (at Least in Mice)

Decoding Body Language Reveals How the Brain Organizes Behavior

Scientists Unraveling How Movement is Translated Into Desired Action

How the Brain Orchestrates Movement

Printable nanoclip stimulates tiny nerves

Flash Nano: Electrical “nerve cuff” could help treat chronic disease

Note: some links may not work due to age. I attempted to use the Wayback Machine to re-link to some of the content.